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2018 Graduate School Spring Commencement (2019.02.)
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  • 2019-01-11 12:00:21

Congratulations on your honorable degree.

Hanyang University invites you to the 2018 graduation ceremony.


1. Date: Friday, February 22rd, 2019 (10:30 AM)

2. Venue: Olympic Gymnasium in Seoul Campus, Hanyang University

3. Subject: degree recipients, family members and professors

We do not post photographs on the website due to Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Please take pictures individually.

4. Confirm and Modify English Name

- Please confirm your English name by January 31st on Hanyang Portal. It will be prescribed on your degree in English

- HY-inMy home SettingsPersonal Information Update


5. Gown Rental

o Masters (for 2 days)

- Date: 2019. 2. 21(THU) 09:30~16:30 (except for lunch time 12:00-13:00)

          2019. 2. 22(FRI) 08:30~14:00 (available during lunch time 12:00-13:00)

- Venue: International Building #313

We suggest you to rent a gown the day before since it will be very crowded on the day of ceremony

o Doctors: You must prepare the gown individually(gown, hood, graduation cap)

Rental Companies: 성의사 02-754-7650, 춘추사02-312-6661


6. Distribution of degree: 2019. 2. 22(FRI) 12:00~15:30 (After the ceremony ends)

o Masters : International Building #307

Masters can get their degrees after returning the borrowed gowns

o Doctors : International Building #311


7. Note:

​- After the ceremony all of the degree recipients will shake hands with academic board. You can take photos at Photo Zone, after the event.

- We suggest taking public transportation since the campus will be very crowded on the day of ceremony.


이전글 [대학원] 2018학년도 전기 대학원 학위수여식 안내 (2019.02 졸업)
다음글 [외국어시험] 2019-1학기 대학원 외국어시험 실시 및 면제서류 제출 안내
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